Saturday, January 7, 2012


what happens when all you want is to be happy.. to see the people you care about happy and you yourself happy. but that doesnt happen?

what happens when you are so close to a mental breakdown all you want to do is lay in bed and hid under your blankets for a better day. When you want to see noone, not even your friends your closest to..

What happens when being let down is a normal thing in your life..

How is this right? how can someone want so much in life, and get to little back.
i understand i need to try harder and not get let down.. but why is it so hard for me?

why can't i just have an easy life for once. With people in my life that don't leave whenever they feel like it. when they can just talk me down and be okay with it.

Why do i have to seem mentally fucked up? when all i want to do is be happy...

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