Tuesday, June 19, 2012


tomorrow I am quitting smoking. I have gone too long smoking and I don't want to smoke anymore. I'm going to have the hardest time quitting but I think I can do it. I can't afford to smoke, and I know it is really bad for me.

Honestly I am scared. All my friends smoke so quitting is going to be even harder for me. And I can smoke half a pack a day. it's got pretty bad..

I am going to write in this everyday to help me with quitting. I have read some tips on how to stop so this try I'm going cold turkey. Completely just stopping. Hopefully my friends will help me by not smoking too much around me anymore.

I can do this,
or atleast i can try.

there it is, tomorrow is day one.
Lets make this real.

My cravings are going to be the death of me, but if i try hard enough, I'm sure i can overcome it.

pray for me!