Sunday, July 31, 2011


i want someone that will be my everything,
i want someone that will let me be their everything.
i want someone who will take pictures together
i want someone who will tickle me until i cry
who will write me an i love you on my facebook wall.
i want someone who will show me off to everyone.
someone who will meet my family.
someone who my family will love.
i want this guy to hold onto me like he would never let me go.
i want him to promise me things that he knows he can keep.
i want this guy to never keep anything from me.
he needs to smile, be happy and follow through with his words.
i want someone who will teach me to love myself.
i want this boy to text me every night,
call me every morning
just to tell me he loves me.
lets me know he cares,
he wants me, and only me.

this guy i want, does not exist.


  1. Hey, I just read what you've got written here, and i thought of a video you might enjoy, its artsy and sad but judging from your writing i think you'll appreciate it, cheers

  2. thats great, thanks so much.
    the video was very sad indeed but im glad i got to see it.
    i hope you enjoy the rest of the blog,
