Monday, December 6, 2010

couldnt find the door in the morning

holy f,
i am about to lose my mind. i wish this whole blog wasn't as depressing as it is, but i can not help it. i think i actually am going insane  because i don't know how to even smile anymore right now.
all i have been doing is freaking out, and ripping shit up.

first of all, what is even stress doing. it does not accomplish anything by putting itself on people. if i was stress i would have to be me, because in the end you are just making people freak out more and hate their life. its actually the most pointless thing in the world. Some people think its good to have stress because it makes you motivated but let me tell you.

im stressed to the max, and i want nothing more than to sleep and not wake up. sleep is the only good thing right about now. and i know thats all alittle "emo" but seriously life needs to lay off and let me be happy for once because i really am not happy.

i got thinking about a lot of stuff and personally i think school is stupid. it makes people conform into one big trend and makes so much drama happen which there is no need for. Yes school is important and you need an education blah blah blah i get it. But i don't think i want one. atleast not a university one just yet.

i feel the need to travel, to get out of this shit hole and become free and happy. see the world, the world i could have when i am ready to have.
and trust me, im ready now.
i want to see england with my family, i want to see ontario.
i just want to see anything other than this fucking town of liverpool.

because if i continue to see this town for much longer, i will put myself into a mental hospital hahah.

this rant is done, thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. sounds more like anger my love -- but that is what will keep YOU motivated to get yourself out of where you are. just... you know... dont get too mad. there might be a lot to learn where you are right now (physically and mentally) -- or else fate wouldn't be keeping you there. i think life is like a game; solve the riddle of one level, and your onto the next.
