Sunday, November 21, 2010


Nothing is ever calm in the light of the day,
And when it turns dark outside and when the lights shut off it still doesn’t change.

On the other hand, people change though.
People change every second the clock is ticking.
Every second the water is dripping.

People change who they are, and who they need to be.
They change their styles, their words and their dreams.
They change the person they grew up as.

Never though does the world calm down while they are in this process.
Never do the people fade out though, when the lights do.

Humans are something impossible to understand in this world.
Just like time is.

What is time even?

What is there to live for in this world, when the time is clicking and ticking

What are humans even?

They are something the world made,
To feel the hurt of break ups,
To feel the love of make ups,
To feel the stress of waking up,
And to feel the accomplishments’ of growing up.

While this is all happening every and each human feels pain.
The pain from other, themselves and the world.

Nothing is ever calm in this world, and humans will learn that as they grow.
As they grow up to be potentially something they don’t even want to be.

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