Tuesday, January 31, 2012

this is a beautiful world

your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck. 
I've fallen for your eyes, but they don't know me yet.

guys, sometimes the girl who's always been
there for you, needs someone to be there for her.

I wanted to tell you all my secrets
but you became one of them instead.

I'm not telling you it is going to be easy,
I'm telling you its going to be worth it.

that "I miss you" message.

people love to say "live for the moment", but
a moment comes in a moment, stays for a
moment, and leaves just as fast; in a moment.

a boy who makes his friends jealous of
me because he talks about me so much.

ain't it a shame, a shame that every time you hear my name 
brought up in a casual conversation, you can't think straight?

don’t let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.

to live a creative life, you must lose the fear of being wrong.

make changes, not excuses.

when a guy smells nice, it automatically makes him more attractive.

boys who; rub your thumb while holding hands.

hey, life sucks without you. I miss you, of course I miss you.
I knew that I would but, it's not like a 'hey we had some great 
times you know, keep in touch' kind of thing. it's .. it was more
like 'I can't eat, I can't sleep, I forget what it feels like to laugh' 
kind of thing. and I.. I really think that when you left, 
you took my heart with you. 

I look up at the night sky and I wonder about life, about you, 
about why I'm here. And I look up at those cold, beautiful 
stars so far away, and I realize life has never seemed so big.

the hardest thing to do is walk away
from someone you can't forget.

it's not always going to be pretty.
it's not always going to be easy.
but it will come together in the end.



Monday, January 30, 2012

maybe tonight will be our night

and welcome to my life.
to the ups and to the downs.
to the sad and to the happy times.

and welcome to my life.
the shit show of a life.

and welcome to my life.
where i don't even belong on a daily basis.

and welcome to my life,
to the tears, and to the dears.

and welcome to my nightmare...
i messed up,
my life is messed up.

i don't know how to put all the pieces back together
and make it right.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

never ending

i met lights,
and it completed my dreams. she is the most well rounded person there is. meeting her makes me what to be a better person.

but also with meeting her,
i have learned a lot about myself... it might not have been because of her but i guess it is because of what i am going through now.

i feel like i am not exactly where i want to be. Well, its where i want to be, but i just feel like im not giving my best.

i miss my best friend in liverpool, and i miss simple times.
i miss falling in love, and being utterly happy with someone.
i miss having everyone in my life that i used to have.
i miss my family..

this whole growing up thing is hard to handle.

i think i need a way out. an escape. something new to get my mind off things.

maybe ill find it soon..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


i miss you...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


i feel like i am living two different lives..
and sometimes i like it?
and sometimes it's the worst possible thing ever.

i have such amazing people in my life, and i love them all <3
i just feel like a change might be good.. someday..

Sunday, January 15, 2012

what do you do when the love of your life cheats on you.. and you find out..

Sunday, January 8, 2012

live to the fullest, and don't look back

i watched an amazing movie tonight. Its called "one week"

There is the link, everyone one of you reading this HAS to watch it. It's canadian plus it is an amazing story behind it.
What would you do if you only had one week to live? would you continue to go through what you are going through.. or would you stand tall and live so you will be remembered.

This movie made me think a lot. First of all, it made me think that there is no point in me being upset and not happy. I can change that, why sit and think bad of myself. When there is a whole world out there. If that makes any sense?

I want to do so much before i die.. (if i die, i think im immortal) and if I want to do these things then i best get off my ass and start doing them.

First off, i plan to see and meet lights. and hell yes. this is already being completed!
I get to see her live on jan 20th and i have a 99% chance of meeting her. Cross your fingers for me that i will.

Second off, i want to help the world be a better place. I want to show people that there is more to the world than the one they are living in. There are so many reasons to smile out there, yet so many people are sad and heart broken. They need my help.

Third, I want to travel across the world. See the places I never thought I would be able to. Capture every second on camera, and be smiling the whole time. See the family i have never met. But heard so much about.

Last, I want to be remembered. Wait, scratch that... i WILL be remembered.

So everyone, cheer the fuck up. Get off your ass, and smile. You only live once.
And for every 60 seconds you frown, you have lost a minute of happiness.

Cheers <3

Saturday, January 7, 2012


what happens when all you want is to be happy.. to see the people you care about happy and you yourself happy. but that doesnt happen?

what happens when you are so close to a mental breakdown all you want to do is lay in bed and hid under your blankets for a better day. When you want to see noone, not even your friends your closest to..

What happens when being let down is a normal thing in your life..

How is this right? how can someone want so much in life, and get to little back.
i understand i need to try harder and not get let down.. but why is it so hard for me?

why can't i just have an easy life for once. With people in my life that don't leave whenever they feel like it. when they can just talk me down and be okay with it.

Why do i have to seem mentally fucked up? when all i want to do is be happy...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

i love you

you know when you find that one person?
when you know you have a hate love relationship
but the love overpowers the struggles?

yah i found him :)